[Support request] First transition in to AutoPots – Plants showing dissatisfaction.

  • March 24, 2024 at 12:36 pm #1314

    Hello Josh,

    I was so happpy to find out that you had a forum like this to assist people in their use of the AutoPots.

    This is my first time using the product and I’ve just placed my 2 plants into each of their own AutoPot – and filled the resovoir and checked that they fill up the trays.

    On the first day, i saw some instant signs of the plant adjusting to the new enviroment, especially on the bigger of the two, it’s leaves started drooping a bit as well as the leaf tips gaining a noticeable downward curl – I found through the internet, this to be a reaction to the rootlevel being constantly submerged?

    Now on the beginning of the third day, after the transplant – I am seeing a formation of small not very big, but still present brown spots on the second newest leaves (only on the big plant) I’m trying to diagnose now from the internet, but I wanted to come here and direct my question to you and the other experts here.

    I really hope that you could share some insights, to the potential mistakes i’ve made.

    Best Regards,

    March 24, 2024 at 12:38 pm #1319

    Could you advise where you are in the world, then I can direct you to the correct country, we are the manufacture and based in the UK. We would suggest that a phone call is set up as it is much easier to diagnose any issues this way.

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