[Support request] Any one help me PH tank and tray info?

  • May 21, 2024 at 3:36 pm #1332

    Hello any one help me? I have autopot 6 tray, 9mm. I use CO2 inside growbox 1500ppm, how many need PH in Tank and Tray for coco? if i use in tank 5.5 in tray i have 6.5 and big problem leaf(now bloom). Now i make in tank 5.2 and tray have 6-6.2. I use Plagron fertiliser. Please tell me how to properly correct PH in the tank or trays for my plant’s? Tank 23 degrees.


    May 21, 2024 at 3:39 pm #1334

    Hi Esma, there could be many factors causing the issue, generally 95% of issues are environment, ideally pH in the tray should be 6.3… join the AutoPot users group on Facebook there are 4,000 members there growing very well and they all help each other to grow better

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